A data type refers to, the type of data/details a variable can store.
PHP has totally eight data types. They are separated as three major types. They are Scalar , Compound and special types. Below we listed out all the data types.
Scalar Types:
- Boolean
- Integer
- String
- Float
Compound Types:
- Object
- Array
Special Types:
- Resources
Note: var_dump() will return data type and value of the variable.
We can specify integers in three formats.
- Decimal
- Hexadecimal
- Octal
<?php $a = 345; $b = -234; $c = 0x8C; $d = 047; var_dump($a); echo "<br />"; var_dump($b); echo "<br />"; var_dump($c); echo "<br />"; var_dump($d); ?> Output: int(345) int(-234) int(140) int(39)
Float :
As we already know Float is a number with decimal point.
<?php $a = "11.43"; var_dump($a); $b = "23.5e2"; var_dump($b); $c = "11e-3"; var_dump($c); ?> Output: float(11.43) float(2350) float(11.0E-3)
PHP Boolean
The data type Boolean either TRUE or FALSE
<?php $a = true; $b = false; ?>
PHP Array
Array is used to store multiple data/value in a single variable.
<?php $student_role_no = array("12789","12790","12791"); ?>
PHP Objects
In PHP an object is used to stores a data/value and information, how to process the data or we can say objects are user define the data type. We will learn more about this in Object oriented program page.
In PHP NULL is special data type.
Usually we will use this data type to check the variable data is present or empty. It was assigned as a special constant named as “NULL”.
$a = "test";
$a = NULL;
Note:Here NULL predefined constant data. So we no need to place it under singe(') or double ("") quotes. If we use unset()function for a variable its value will get change as NULL.