PHP Conditional statements

 PHP having different types of conditional statements like C and C ++. Below we listed the conditional statements presents in PHP..

  • if statement
  • if … else statement
  • if … elseif ….. else statement
  • Nested if  statement
  • switch statement

PHP IF Statement

If the condition / statement is true then it will allow to execute some code.

$data = 10;
if($data > 6){
   // do something if the condition is true

PHP IF … Else Statement

If the condition is not true else statement will be execute the code.

$data = 10;
if($data > 6){
   // do something if the condition is true
   // do something if the condition is false

PHP IF … Elseif … Else Statement

If the condition is not true, then we can check with another condition check using multiple Elseif, and any of the statements are not true then, else statement will be execute the code.

$data = 10;
if($data > 6){
   // do something if the condition is true
}else if(){
   // do something if the condition is true
   // do something if the condition is false.