An array stores multiple values/data/string in an single variable.
<?php $name = array("Vijay","Gopi","Edwin","Munee"); echo "Members are ".$name[0].",".$name[1].",".$name[2].",".$name[3]; ?> Output: Members are Vijay,Gopi,Edwin,Munee
Array Definition:
An array is an special variable which holds more than one / multiple variable at a time.
If you have a list of data, storing the names should be could look like this
$name1 = 'Vijay'; $name2 = 'Gopi'; $name3 = 'Edwin'; $name4 = 'Munee';
If you have more number of data, example more than 10 members in a team we can use array instead of creating 10 different variable.
Creation of Array
In PHP the array will create using array() function.
There are three types of arrays are there in PHP.
- Indexed Array ( Array with numeric index )
- Associative Array ( Array with named key )
- Multidimensional Array ( Array containing multiple arrays with in it )
Indexed Array
An array with numeric index is called Indexed array
<?php $a = array("IND","US","AUS"); echo $a[0]."<br />"; echo $a[1]."<br />"; echo $a[2]."<br />"; ?> Output: IND US AUS
Associative Array
An array with named key is call as Associative array
<?php $a = array("India"=>"IND","United States"=>"US","Australia"=>"AUS"); echo $a['India']."<br />"; echo $a['United States']."<br />"; echo $a['Australia']."<br />"; ?> Output: IND US AUS
Multidimensional Array
An array containing multiple array with in it called as Multidimensional .
<?php $a = array("India"=>array("KA","TN","KL"),"United States"=>array("AL","AK","AZ")); ?>